In the a local news paper yesterday, it was reported that a 37 year old
farmer Mr. Jassie Brand was struck by lightning 2 weeks ago, in the
Outjo area on his farm Aimeb-Oos. According to the report, before going
to sleep that night, he was busy installing a new Marnet Radio system.
He was sitting on a wooden chair in front of his computer opening up the
cardboard box in which the new radio was, when the lightning struck him.
His finger and thumb were burnt off in the cardboard box. The pictures
in the report show the wooden chair with a burn imprint of his buttocks
on it. The second picture shows the desk where the computer was, the
keyboard is split in two and all the keys blew off with such force they
left imprints on the ceiling! A third picture shows the charred
cardboard box which he was handling at the time. He was unconscious and
found by the farm workers the next morning and rushed to hospital. No
one at the time was sure what had happened until the doctors examined
him and realised he had been struck by lightning. His back and buttocks
were burned and the socks in his shoes had melted to his feet. His hair
was singed and busy falling out. He has survived the whole ordeal and is
having problems focusing his eyes. Doctors believe that if he was not
wearing the rubber soled shoes, he would probably been killed!